Press Release:
"Mike Waggoner, a lifelong resident of the Northwest, announced Thursday that he is running for the Zone 5 seat on the North Idaho College board of trustees. Mike was born in the Treasure Valley to the family of a small businessman. His mother’s family came to Idaho in 1907 as homesteaders and his father’s family were contractors building homes. Mr. Waggoner said: “I was raised with conservative values and continued those as I moved to rural and suburban areas of the northwest.” Mike worked 45 years in high level organizational roles where he was expected to set the direction of entire businesses, manage the
construction of new facilities and to facilitate communication between sub-organizations.
“I’ve been observing attempts at a takeover in the NIC board of trustees for the last few months and want to stymie further attempts.” Mr. Waggoner also said, “I have talked to multiple locals who have told me that due to the takeovers, they
do not want to go to NIC. I find this damaging to the schools potential and it must be stopped.”
Mike achieved the position of acting First Sergeant in the US army before he completed his service.
Mr. Waggoner started his education at a community college and credits that opportunity as what made it possible for him to work his way through school to get a four year degree and then go to graduate school.
A 1983 graduate of the University of Portland, a Jesuit school, with a Masters in Business Administration. Mike has spent 27 years in high tech and 19 years in the aerospace field working with Boeing. Mr. Waggoner was a manager for all new
software development in Peterbuilt and Kenworth factories in North America. At the time of his transfer to a different position in 1988, his unit was responsible for over 3 billion dollars in sales.
Mr. Waggoner was active in local politics for nine years with the express intent of protecting home-owners property rights.
“I was raised with the Idaho culture and want to see it preserved and the people of Idaho prosper.”