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NIR Meeting

The Bushnell Report

Here are my thoughts on this article and the accompanying audio.

1) North Idaho Republicans mentioned deceptive mailers being sent out. Who was it that sent out mailers that confused people, due to it looking like the central committee's mailer? That was you guys. Who got fined by the Secretary of State for copying the central committee's CDA Press ad? That was North Idaho Republicans.

2)How can the main speaker for this event, Hazel, be a good conservative when she is part of a group - Women for Biden? Hazel is also for open primaries. She also says that your friends on the left need your support.

3) Once again they are complaining about loosing races for seats. Perhaps the candidates that lost in the last few years weren't listening to the voters and/or had poor voting records.

4) North Idaho Republicans please produce proof that I sent out a text about your meeting in July. I didn't send out a text, so I'd love to see the text.

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