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North Idaho College President May Have Been Predetermined

The Bushnell Report

A fellow citizen journalist did a public records request regarding North Idaho College and the choosing of the soon to be NIC President Nick Swayne. I get to share what they found.

Looks like the person to become North Idaho College President may have been predecided. Take a look at the documents and let me know if you agree or disagree. Some of the emails discussing Swayne date to June 14th. Wait, the meeting and voting wasn't until June 22nd.

Trustee Banducci had expressed concern that a decision had already been made before the interviews and before the discussion/voting by the board of trustees. Video where he expresses concern:

Trustee McKenzie also expressed that same concern. Here is the video of him expressing his concern -

Here are the 5 public records requests in pdf format.

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