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North Idaho College Trustee Wold Tirade - NIC Board of Trustee Meeting - 10/24/22

The Bushnell Report

At the end of the 10/24 meeting of the North Idaho College Board of Trustee, Trustee Wold spoke for 13 minutes. Normally remarks for the good of the order are shorter.

Wold keeps mentioning the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee in his remarks. He names the three candidates who the KCRCC recommends. He says they are too new and think too much alike. Um, the same could be said about the three candidates he supports.

Wold demands Trustee McKenzie's microphone be turned off due to Mckenzie interrupting to point out where Wold is wrong. Wold says that he is scared of Banducci reversing things that the board has done in the last few months.

Wold says, “Respect the majority decisions of the board.” I would agree if the board was all elected. It is hard to have confidence in appointed trustees. He also says, “Stop unwanted criticism of the board.” Um, who is giving information to the press and the various smear pages on Facebook?

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