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Public Comment - Stephanie - Hayden City Council 4/25/23

The Bushnell Report

Stephanie Saterfiel, wife of Hayden City Councilman Roger Saterfiel, gave public comment at the 4/25/23 meeting of the Hayden City Council. Note that she is a member of the Hayden Arts Commission.

My thoughts on her public comment:

1) She seems to be for the bureaucrats running Hayden, not the elected officials. Does Roger agree with her thinking?

2) I disagree with her that the elected officials shouldn't be telling the staff how to do their jobs. That line of thinking leads to anyone that questions things being painted as the bad guy.

3) Public comment at public meetings is not just for comments that you like. Everyone should be able to give public comment, even annoying ones.

4) Hayden Mayor, Scott Forssell should have stopped Stephanie during her comment to remind her that personal attacks against city council members, and personal attacks on other public commenters is not allowed per Roberts rules. Please join me in emailing him regarding this:

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