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PUD and North Idaho College

The Bushnell Report

Below are screenshots of what North Idaho College Trustee Waggoner submitted to the CDA Planning and Zoning Commission in regards to the Planned Urban Development rezone of NIC and the surrounding properties.

Here are the questions he submitted:

"What authority does the Planning Commission have to modify the use of the property utilization under the PUD versus the dedicated property (the present campus)?

Why is this being done now and on very short notice? The other two plans took much longer.

Why is it being done with limited input?

Why is it being done without Board Input since the Board is the PROPERTY OWNER? No notice to property owner, NIC Board of Trustees. I.C. § 67-6509

Staff was asked by Council to “involve representatives of the Fort Grounds neighborhood to review the draft ordinance and make comments. Staff Report, p. 1. NIC’s input was not solicited nor was a draft ordinance provided. Why not?

Who directed staff to contact Fort Grounds and not NIC?

“In adoption and implementation of the plan and ordinances, the governing board or commission shall take into account the plans and needs of the state of Idaho and all agencies, boards, departments, institutions, and local special purpose districts. I.C. § 67-6528. NIC’s plans and needs have not been solicited. Why not?

The governing board shall, by ordinance or resolution, adopt procedures for the conduct of public hearings. At a minimum such hearing procedures shall provide an opportunity for all affected persons to present and rebut evidence.” I.C. § 67-6534. Because NIC Board of Trustees was not provided notice, it cannot meaningfully present or rebut evidence and therefore, the hearing should be rescheduled.

What evidence is the Commission analyzing to conclude that there is no significant financial impact to NIC? A.10, Planning and Zoning Commission Findings: O-2-24, p. 4 (pdf p. 144)

Has a takings analysis under I.C. § 67-8003 been prepared?"

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