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Respond to Guest Opinion in the CDA Press on Jan 30, 2025

The Bushnell Report

Updated: 5 hours ago



A certain Hayden City Councilman is livid with my response to the guest opinion. I would like to make clear that one big reason why I block him is because he has messaged people that have liked my posts and tells them how they are wrong.

It is very entertaining that the city councilman considers any opinion that he doesn't agree with to be misinformation.


Who is responsible for thousands of home on the horizon in the city of Hayden? Planning and Zoning and Hayden Urban Renewal Agency are responsible for rubber stamping a lot of that. Isn’t the author of this opinion piece on the HURA board? Doesn’t that make the author partly responsible for that?

Notice how two city council members opposing a government program is framed as being bad. Being against expanding government is not bad. Sounds to me like the author of this opinion piece is against accountability and transparency.

Additionally, it is comical that regularly outvoting two council members 3-2 is described as such a Herculean effort. Do you want unanimous consent? That is not very realistic or healthy in my opinion.

The author goes on to describe HURA expanding as good. It is a board of mostly appointed people with no direct accountability to the voters of Hayden. Once again it sounds like more government, less accountability, and less transparency.

Questioning if the two city council members can discharge their duties “with due and reasonable care” made me laugh. Isn’t that a bit hypocritical when the author supports a city council member who regularly has public outbursts at city council meetings? Gosh darn it, you must not like city council members who have to be convinced of a good idea instead of just doing what they are told.

I agree that the citizens of Hayden should be more involved and aware. Let’s focus on the actions/votes of our elected officials in Hayden. More accountability and transparency to the voters instead of “stake holders” should be the focus in my opinion.

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